星期日, 22 9月 2019 06:00

Thanks to all visitors at EBBS

The 47th edition of the EBBS Conference was held in Bilbao, the completely transformed Basque capital city.

We'd like to address our warm thanks to the many visitors we met at our booth.

A special thank to Dr. Fulvio Magara, who presented the results of his work on the cognitive skills of different FMR1-KO mice obtained using Ugo Basile automated Fear Conditioning test: "A behavioral dissection of cognitive skills in contingency learning and reversal in Fmr1 KO Mice"

Dr. Fulvio Magara

Meet you again at SFN in Washington, DC, November 10-15, where we will display many new instruments!

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最后修改于 星期日, 22 9月 2019 06:00